Guidebook for Vibrant Alignment

Personalized to your unique human design, this digital 35+ page guidebook serves as a reference source to discover who you are meant to be. 

Reconnect to yourself on a deeper level so you can know how to work with your energy, prioritize your needs, leverage your gifts, navigate your challenges, and align with your cosmic blueprint to feel more empowered in life. 


  • Glossary and description of human design terms
  • Type: how your energy is designed to work best 
  • Strategy: how to create aligned opportunities
  • Authority: how you are meant to make decisions
  • Signature and Not-Self themes: signs you are on the right path or may need to make adjustments
  • Profile: how you experience the world and share your gifts
  • Definition: how you process information and how you connect with others
  • Centers: areas where you have consistent energy or could be influenced by others
  • Practical tips to apply your design in real life
  • Journal prompts for contemplation and awareness building

This guidebook will provide you with a solid understanding of your human design as well as practical ways to apply it in your life. 

$55.00 USD

Due to the digital and personalized nature of this product, there are no refunds. I will be personally curating your guidebook so please allow 7-14 for creation and delivery. Upon purchase, you will receive a form to provide your birth info so that I can generate your human design chart from which your guidebook will be written.